Welcome to my blog about, at least mostly, games. Here you can find reviews, impressions, pictures and things that I think are interesting enough to write about. If you want me to speak up on something, then write it to me. Want to discuss something in a post then write it in the comments. Hope it will be good reading for you.

tisdag 10 april 2012

New DmC trailer analysis

Hey, new DmC trailer is out, check it out!

First of, let's look at the bad parts, because there are a few. Firstly, I'm not too fond of the settings, still it's a question of taste, but it takes away the Gothic style that I think Devil may Cry needs. Still, I have seen settings in the game that are more towards the epic and Gothic, and the other settings I'll probably grow to like them.

Second, even though the gameplay looks as good and smooth as ever, I can't help but think that it's the same thing as the other games. I hope that Ninja Theory does some new things to improve it.

Yeah, I'm a lover, not a hater, so that's it for me when it comes to bad things. I still love the look of the new Dante and feel of the game. The voice acting is at it's best, and the dialogue is, as usual with Ninja Theory, really great. In all, I'm looking forward to this game more than anything left in 2012, this is going to be awesome.